As a tool to reduce or avoid estate duty and/or donations tax, financial planners made use of trusts. This technique allowed the estate owner to transfer assets to a trust […]
When a member of a retirement fund dies before reaching retirement age (and if the rules of the particular fund permit), the lump sum benefit which becomes payable (hereinafter referred […]
I gave instructions to my attorney to prepare a last Will and Testament for me as my Will no longer reflected my wishes. At my request, my attorney emailed the […]
NVS Inc was lucky enough to add Ariza Vermeulen to our compliment of staff in September 2017. As the Head of the Estates Department, she specialises in fiduciary services (trusts, […]
Scenario Mr Reyneke owns a farm in South Africa and in terms of his last will and testament he bequeathed the said farm to his two sons in equal shares. […]
All the powers of a trustee are ‘fiduciary’, which means that they must be exercised as follows: • in the best interests of all the beneficiaries; • only for the […]
The South Africa common law presumption of collation (collatio bonorum) is alive and well. This presumption is rooted in the belief that a testator or testatrix intended that there should […]
A trust is a legally recognized means through which rights attached to property ownership can be separated and transferred; a concept whereby the control and benefit to or enjoyment of […]
If someone leaves a sizeable estate behind, it may cause conflict among the possible heirs. The help of an attorney, when settling an estate after a death, can avoid unnecessary […]